Holy Father Pope Francis met with the His Excellency Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, together with the new director of Rome’s Anglican centre, His Grace Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi of Burundi, discussed peace in South Sudan as their major subject in the meeting and focused on the main problems and conflicts faced by South Sudan in every phase of development. The Anglican archbishop explained his meeting with the Pope as full of meaning, but also full of joy, a good deal of laughter, very relaxed but very thoughtful.
As reported by news.va, the Anglican leader remarked that “A visit to South Sudan has to be done at a moment when it can make an enormous difference and tip the balance towards peace.” His Grace Justin Welby also emphasized that he and Holy Father call on the political leaders to turn away from violence and think of the people in South Sudan.
When asked about divisions within the Angelic world, in particular over homosexuality, His Excellency Archbishop Justin highlighted that you can’t be paralyzed by disagreements, which all Churches are currently facing.