Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the members of the International Catholic Migration Commission expressed his gratitude to them for their work carried out in the Church’s name to assist migrants and refugees in great need. His Holiness Pope Francis highlighted that today as in the past, liberating the poor, the oppressed and the persecuted is an integral part of the mission entrusted by God to the Church.
As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “In order to set free those who are those who today are oppressed, rejected and enslaved, it is essential to promote open and sincere dialogue with government leaders, a dialogue that takes into account people’s actual experiences, sufferings and aspirations, in order to remind everyone once more of his responsibilities.”
His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his remarks by exhorting that “Together we must encourage countries to coordinate more suitable and effective responses to the challenges posed by the issues of migration and we can do this on the basis of the essential principles of the Church’s social teachings.”