Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered at St. Peter’s Square, Vatican, for the traditional Sunday Angelus prayers on 27th August, 2017, offered prayers for the flood victims suffering in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal from several days and asked the pilgrims to pray for the same. All three countries suffer frequent flooding during the June- September monsoon season and this year the situation is much worse than expected according to the International Agencies.
As reported by news.va, His Holiness Pope Francis remarked that “I express my closeness to all the affected populations and pray for the victims and for all who suffer because of this calamity.” People in remote and isolated areas have been without food and clean water since many days.
As per various national and international agencies, at least 379 people had been killed by the destructive flood in India, this year and thousands sheltered in relief camps away from their inundated homes.