His Holiness Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square after the Angelus prayer, reminded them that on Monday 25th March, he will undertake a pastoral journey to Loreto, in Italy’s Marche region, where he will visit the House of the Virgin Mary.
As reported by Vatican news, The Pontiff remarked that “I have chosen this place in which to sign the Apostolic Exhortation dedicated to Young People” and he asked for prayers so that the Virgin Mary’s ‘yes’ may be the ‘yes’ of many of us.
During his 6-hour visit to the tiny town, home to the Marian Shrine of the Holy House of Loreto, the Pontiff will sign the post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, “Vive Cristo, esperanza nuestra”, the Spanish for “Christ, our hope, lives.”