Holy Father Pope Francis received King Abdullah II of Jordan in an audience and as per the statement of Holy See Press, the cordial conversations focused above all on the theme of the promotion of peace and stability in the Mid-east, with particular reference to the question of Jerusalem and the role of the Hashemite Sovereign as Custodian of the Holy Places.
As reported by vaticannews.va, Holy See Press said in a communique that “In this context, the commitment was renewed to encourage negotiations among the interested parties, as well as promoting inter-religious dialogue.” Further, it stated, “The conversation touched on the importance of helping Christians remain in the Middle East and the two leaders also spoke of the positive contributions Christians bring to the societies of the region, of which they are an integral part.”
Post the audience with His Holiness Pope Francis, King Abdullah met with His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State and His Excellency Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Secretary for Relations with States.