Holy Father Pope Francis has send a message to the Italian Conference of Secular Institutes (CIIS) that is holding a conference in Rome, on the theme, “Beyond and in the Midst: Secular Institutes: Stories of passion and prophecy for God and the world”, in which he reminded the Secular States about their prophetic presence in the world, especially by being and acting the Word of God they hear. His Holiness also suggested five spiritual attitudes to the Conference, including prayer, discernment, share, courage, and sympathy.
As reported by news.va, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “Laicity consists in knowing what God has to say to the world, where saying means acting and not talking and this is very much needed in our times where difficulties could tempt one to isolate herself or himself into a comfortable and secure situation and withdraw from the world but your place is to stay in with the transforming presence of the Gospel.”
His Holiness concluded his remark by suggesting five spiritual attitudes which included to pray to be united to God and to listen to him, discernment to distinguish between essentials and unimportant things, to share the lot of men and women in tragic and dark times, to never lose the courage and should be animated by Christ’s sympathy for the world and the people, to be free and passionate like salt and yeast in the world.