In his message to the Brazilian Catholic Bishops Conference who are promoting ‘2019 Fraternity Campaign’, His Holiness Pope Francis referred to the start of the Lenten penitential season. This year, the theme of their campaign is: “Fraternity and Public Politics” and their motto is, “You shall be redeemed with justice and with righteousness.”
As reported by Vatican news, His Holiness Pope Francis begins his message by saying that with the start of Lent we are “invited to prepare ourselves, through the penitential practices of fasting, almsgiving and prayer” in order to celebrate the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ. In order to integrate these practices as part of the journey towards Easter, which, he says is “both personal and communal”, the “Fraternity Campaign proposes to Brazilian Christians the horizon of ‘public policies’”.
His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his message by expressing his desire that this year’s Lenten season “help all Christians to keep their eyes and hearts open so that they can see in their most needy brothers and sisters the ‘flesh of Christ’ that is waiting to ‘be recognized, touched and assisted with care…’”