Holy Father Pope Francis expressed his gratitude towards the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic community that lives in Rome and reminded them that he is close to them. His Holiness Pope Francis exchanged greetings with the Major Archbishop of Kiev, Sviatoslav Shevchuk, and in his address, the Pontiff recalled the great models of Cardinal Josyp Slipyi, Salesian Ukrainian Bishop Stepan Czmil, and Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, former Major Archbishop of the Greek-Catholic Church of Ukraine.
As reported by Vatican radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “I am here today to tell you all that I am close to you: close with my heart, with my prayers, and when I celebrate Mass.”
His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his remarks by noting the numerous Ukrainian women of faith, courage and charity. Holy Father Pope Francis also prayed at the tomb of Salesian Ukrainian Bishop Stepan Czmil.
Source: en.vaticannews.com