Give us this day our daily bread”. At the General Audience, His Holiness Pope Francis prays that the Lord might grant this to all those suffering a lack of bread – which, he says, “means also water, medicine, home, work” and “all that is necessary to live”. The Pontiff was referring, in particular, to bread for all the “starving children, in countries in which there is none”.
As reported by Vatican news, The “bread” for which Christians pray is “not ‘mine’, but ‘ours’”, says the Pontiff. “It would do us some good to stop and think about starving children”. The Pontiff refers specifically to the children living in war-torn countries, using the three examples of Yemen, Syria and South Sudan.
Our love cannot stand this” says His Holiness Pope Francis, that the “bread that was given to all of humanity, has instead been eaten only by a few”. “God’s love cannot stand this selfishness of not sharing the bread”.