Holy Father Pope Francis encouraged Methodists and Waldensian Churches to continue to walk together with the Catholic Church while addressing the faithful gathered for the annual Synod of the Italian Methodist and Waldensian churches, which took place in Torre Pellice. His Holiness urged the churches to walk on the path towards full Christian unity pointing out that in a world filled with violence and fear, it is important to live and convey Christian message.
As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “To walk towards full unity with the hope that derives from the knowledge that God’s presence is stronger than evil, is all the more important today.” Further, His Holiness added, “Our Christian witness must not yield to the logic of the world but let us help each other to choose and live the logic of Christ.”
His Holiness concluded his message by reminding the faithful that ‘The Good Shepherd’ wants us to walk together and his gaze embraces all of His disciples whom He wants to see fully united. Around 180 representatives of the Methodist and Waldensian Churches were present at the Synod.