A reflection on how to avoid temptations of seeking only to increase our own advantages and interests and to live for the glory of God was highlighted by Holy Father Pope Francis on the 3rd Sunday of Lent. His Holiness Pope Francis was addressing the faithful gathered at St. Peter’s Square, in which he emphasized the Gospel reading of the day which explains the scene in which Jesus drives the merchants and the money chargers from the temple of Jerusalem.
As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “The message contained in the reading is an invitation to all of us to not live our lives in search of personal profit, but for the glory of God, which is love.” His Holiness reminded that Jesus’ action in the temple was a powerful one and it aroused the hostility of religious authorities and of those who felt threatened in their economic interests but highlighted that it was not a violent action so much so it did not even call for the intervention of security officers.
Holy Father Pope Francis gave out the message that Jesus Christ is giving life to a new cult: a cult of love, with Himself as the temple. He concluded his remarks by underlining that the teachings of Jesus Christ is always relevant not only for ecclesial communities but also for individuals and urged the faithful to see Lent as an opportunity to recognize God as the one Lord of our Life, removing every form of idolatry from our heart and our works.