Before the General Audience on Wednesday morning Pope Francis greets a group of Ukrainian pilgrims from the Byzantine Greek-Catholic Eparchy of Mukachevo, marking 30 years from the end of Soviet oppression. The Byzantines’ Greek-Catholic Eparchy of Mukachevo arose from the Union of Uzhhorod, which set roots in the northeastern part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire halfway through the 17th century. Subsequently, the Eparchy of Mukachevo was established officially by Pope Clement XIV in 1771.
Throughout the centuries the territory, which lies in the Transcarpathia region in south-western Ukraine, has seen numerous changes in which new eparchies have been created and the territory divided. Finally, in 1937 the Eparchy of Mukachevo became “immediately subject to the Holy See” and this year it is celebrating the 30th anniversary since the end of Soviet domination which forced the Church underground.
In his address to the pilgrims whom he received in the Vatican before the weekly General Audience, Pope Francis marked the anniversary, upholding the witness of the many Mukachevo martyrs, whom he said, “confirmed their fidelity to Christ, to the Church and to the Bishop of Rome” in the darkest moments of the community’s history.
In particular, he recalled the Blessed Martyr, Bishop Theodor Romzha, whom he described as “a tireless man who followed the example of Christ the Good Shepherd, to the point of giving his life for his sheep.” He guided your people “with evangelical wisdom and courage,” he told them. The Pope concluded his address inviting the members of the community, wherever they may be, to renew their personal encounter with Christ, or “at least, to make the decision to let yourselves be met by Him, to seek Him every day without interruption.”
And quoting from the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium he said: “No one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord.” Vatican News Department