Holy Father Pope Francis launched a new 2-year campaign named “Share the Journey”, of action and awareness raising that aims to promote the culture of encounter and to encourage people to receive migrants and refugees with open hearts and minds. The campaign is promoted by Caritas Internationalis and conveys the message to welcome migrants with open arms and share in their plight as Jesus did.
As reported by news.va, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “Brothers, don’t be afraid of sharing the journey and don’t be afraid of sharing hope and it is hope itself that motivates so many of our brothers and sisters forced to leave their homes in search of a better life.” Further, His Holiness added, “Hope is also the virtue of the young who risk being deprived of it by an often soulless and materialistic society.”
His Holiness concluded his message by appealing to Christians to never allow themselves to be robbed of hope and reminded that if God is with us, no one will rob us of that virtue which is necessary to look to the future.