The Good Friday’s station of the cross at the Colosseum witnessed His Holiness Pope Francis’ prayers for the youth who are abused and for the church who are constantly at the verge of persecution. The Holy see sought for the grace of Almighty to have the strength to see his cross among the different crosses that come across the lives, the cross of little ones who are wounded in their innocence and purity, the cross of church, a bride who feels herself attacked inside and outside. The meditation for the way of the cross at the Colosseum was written by Sister Eugenia Bonetti, founder of  “Slaves No More.”

Sister Bonetti was directly appointed by His Holiness Pope Francis to write the meditations for the stations of the cross. Sr Bonetti is a part of Consolata Missionary from northern Italy, who aids women and girls in Italy to leave prostitution and trafficking. Celebration of Good Friday at the Colosseum is a Roman practice which dates back to the Pontificate of Benedict XVI in the eighteenth. Although the tradition lost in dominance for some years, St.Pope Paul VI revived it in the year 1964. The cross for the first and the last station was carried by Angelo De Donatis, the Vicar general of Rome.

Source: Catholic News Agency.


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