Vatican City: Pope’s Harley Davidson also known as ‘holy’ Davidson, was recently set for auction at Stanford by international auction organization, Bonhams. The Harley Davidson generated around 42000 pounds at the auction.
The action was conducted to generate funds for orphan kids in the African country Uganda. It is believed that the bike was presented to the pontiff as a gift. To use the gift in the most efficient manner, the holy father decided to set the bike on auction and use the money for the education and welfare of orphans and orphanages. The highlight of the bike is that it holds the image of the crown of thorns, gold plated cross and the signature of Pope Francis.
The Pontiff received the latest model of Harley Davidson 1570 CC of Mexican American make, in July 2019. The Jesus bikers group from Austria had built the bike and offered it to the Pontifical Mission Society.
Initially, it was thought that the Harley Davidson alias white unique would generate around 50000 to 100000 pounds. Earlier too, Pope Francis had auctioned the vehicles he received as gifts. The money created through these auctions were used for multiple acts of charity and mercy.


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