While presenting his research paper on ‘Indian Laws and new amendments’ under the session ‘Indian Context’, Rev. Fr. P. D. Mathew, Advocate Supreme Court- Nyay Darshan, Vadodara, conveyed the significance of legal aspects of Pro-life. Rev. Fr. P. D. Mathew was addressing the galaxy of intellectuals gathered for “EVA- Global Symposium on Life”, organized by the Eparchy of Kalyan, at Animation Renewal Centre (ARC), Panvel. He highlighted the legal challenges faced by the world today to promote life, which included surrogacy, abortion, euthanasia.
Fr. P.D. Mathew remarked that “It is important to rise up to the occasion for the time has come to fight for life, Pro-Life has a meaning of Proper-Life.” He explained the various reasons for legal abortion and said, “Abortions can be allowed only if the pregnant women is facing danger to her life due to severe abnormality in the foetus, if the chance of the foetus surviving is very slim and the mother’s life would be endangered if the abortion is not carried out, If the foetus is detected with anencephaly, serious defect where part of skull is not adequately developed.” Further, he added, “We need a national-level pro-life movement and every diocese should have a group of selected people who would work for Pro-Life and in this way, we need to amend the laws for Pro-Life.”
Fr. P. D. Mathew concluded his presentation by urging the Bishops and priests to make the Pro-Life movement in national level and reminded the people about their prophetic mission to promote the culture of life.