Douglas: Internationally renowned Anglican bishop and former chaplain of Queen Elizabeth II, Gavin Ashenden He will consecrate the Catholic faith by accepting sacraments from the Shrewsbury Diocese, Bishop Mark Davis, at the Shrewsbury Cathedral, England, on the fourth Sunday of the coming Sunday, December 22nd. He is internationally famous for criticizing the reading of the Qur’an which denies the divinity of Jesus on the eve of the Day of Eucharist at St Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow in 2017.
He served as chaplain to Queen Elizabeth from 2008 to 2017 and served as a commentator on three media outlets, including the BBC. His resignation was met with strong pressure from Buckingham Palace and the growing apostasy in the Anglican Church. Ashenden revealed to the Catholic News website ‘Churchmilitant.com’ that the Anglican Church in England is surrendering to excessive secularism.
He points out three main reasons that led him to the Catholic faith. He attributed the first appearance in 1963 to his mother’s appearance in Garabandal. He openly admitted that the manifestations of the Mother of God were real and were still going on. He attributed the miracles of the Eucharist to a second cause and the third reason to the authenticity of the Catholic Church.
“It is a great relief to be a member of a church that sees the Holy Spirit as a sacrament,” Ashenden said, noting that only the Catholic Church can overcome cultural Marxism. Shrewsbury Bishop Mark Davies responded that it was a great pleasure to be able to follow Ashenden on his long journey to the Catholic Church. He added that he was happy to see another Anglican bishop converted to the Catholic faith this year, after being consecrated by Cardinal John Henry Newman.