Rome: Cardinal Peter Turkson, head of the Vatican Council for Comprehensive Human Development, says racism is a global issue, not just in America, but everywhere in the world. Cardinal Turkson, a black man and a native of Ghana, said this in an interview with the Vatican News Agency yesterday. The variations that God has given are mutually exclusive, good, and mutually acceptable. Instead, Cardinal Turkson described racism as negative to some of them.
There are many nations in the world today that turn a blind eye to discrimination and persecution. Therefore, the protest over the death of George Floyd should strive for justice and rights in ways of dialogue and peace rather than revolutionary prolongation. Human dignity comes from God. Because we are created in His image, all human beings have equal dignity and rights. Our duty is to uphold this divine right and right. The cause for concern is the contrary to the fundamental human mind. Cardinal Turkson noted that this is also the reason for the ongoing protests in American cities.
Not all the flowers God created in the world are the same color, and not all flowers are the same color. But all colors are good. They are small and large. But it is humans who discriminate between certain colors as likes and dislikes. Racism is an expression of intolerance. It is unjust. Killing someone is not a human act. It does not belong to the human family itself. He urged the government to turn away from the violent protests that erupt in the United States and peacefully appeal to the rights of black people.