Omaha: A proliferation campaign by prolife activists is showing students the inner state of the fetus instead of the horrific images of abortions embedded in it to reveal the horror of abortion. Volunteers from the Heart of a Child Ministry in Omaha, Nebraska, USA, took a different approach. Ultrasound technology, which is performed by ultrasound technology, in which the heartbeat and movement of a pregnant baby is subjected to scanning the pregnant woman is estimated to help many babies become life advocates.

The show at Scott Catholic High School in Omaha was watched by many children. The exhibition is for high school students in Catholic schools and private schools in the metro area. Nikki Schaeffer, director of the Heart of a Child Ministry, said: “Their show in schools is getting great support.” Omaha Archbishop Tim McNeil said the campaign was supported by the Archdiocese. The proliferation campaign is being carried out with the help of ultrasound scanning technicians and pregnant volunteers. The Heart of a Child Ministry was founded in 2012 by the Schaefer family.

Prior to this, volunteers from the Heart of a Child Ministry had conducted such programs in public places and in neighboring states, including California. The public display of ultrasound technology has become increasingly popular since last year when it came to raising awareness against abortion. Twenty thousand people watched the live ultrasound broadcast on Focus on the Family in New York’s famous Times Square. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), abortion rates in the United States have fallen significantly. There was a 24% decrease from 2007-2016.


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