In the abundance of His providence, the Kalyan and Thane Forane executives took the youth a step forward in faith through the ‘Rejoice’ event. It was a prayerful initiative taken, which was held on 24th September, 2017, at St.Thomas Church, Vartak Nagar, Thane, themed ‘Effect of faith and positivity in life.
130 youth came as one voice to glorify the Lord and ask for his blessings. The event began with the lighting of the lamp by the Forane Youth Director of Thane, Fr.Jomon Thekkumthala, Fr.Jinto, Director of KCCRS (speaker of the event) and the executives of both Foranes. Initially, an icebreaking session was held to make the youth of both Foranes comfortable with each other.Thereafter, Fr.Jinto gave the youth an insight about the importance of positivity and faith in life. He gave the youth life examples which reflected how faith changed his life. It was followed by the adoration of the Holy Eucharist. With the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the youth worshipped and rejoiced in the Lord. A cross with the intentions of the assembled youth written on it was kept next to the altar.
Everyone parted with the new grace they received, the optimistic view and the faith required to embark on the rest of the journey in life. The youth of Kalyan and Thane Foranes will be forever thankful for this event.
-By Denisa Tony