Dr. Suma Sebastian, consulting Paediatrician while presenting her paper on ‘The Joy of large families-2’ in the session ‘The Joy of Bringing Forth Life’ conveyed the importance and joy of having a large family and shared her family experiences. Dr. Suma addressed the galaxy of intellectuals gathered for ‘EVA- Global Symposium on Life’ at Animation Renewal Centre (ARC), Panvel and reminded that the tendency to ignore the laws of the Lord and to misinterpret those that are being followed has become contagious among the Christians of Kerala especially the educated.
Dr. Suma Sebastian remarked that “The first blessing that God gave to man is the responsibility to beget children and this blessing is not limited to those who are rich and have favourable circumstances. It does not mean that according to the conditions the number of the children can be restricted.” Further, she added, “Responsible parenthood is to be fostered based on secular, economical, psychological and social realities by a conscious and generous determination to form and foster large families.” She reminded that pro-life movement should be strengthened in hospitals so that the doctors and other health workers be encouraged to realize the value of life.
Dr. Suma Sebastian concluded her remarks by exhorting the Christian institutions to appoint God-fearing midwives and obstetricians and highlighted that those who take a firm stand against sterilization and artificial methods of family planning shall be the strength of our institutions.