His Excellency Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix, in his Lenten message, conveyed that spiritual war needs spiritual armor, and the best armor is accessed through the sacraments. His Grace Bishop Olmsted expressed hope that Catholics may finish this Lenten season with spiritual fruit and a freedom from evil. His Grace Bishop also conveyed the significance of sacraments in a Catholic’s life and said that through them, Jesus continues to heal, to forgive, to strengthen and to sustain us in our fights against the devil.
As reported by CNA, His Excellency Bishop Olmsted remarked that “The sacraments are the armor of choice in this spiritual war. This spiritual war is a crucial battle, where the devil and his demons are determined to attack the souls of the faithful. The devil’s hostility can be seen in society’s view on sin, heaven, hell, and repentance.” Further, His Grace added, “This spiritual war against the devil and his minions has crucial consequences in our daily life with an outcome that determines our eternal destiny. The devil does all in his power to destroy the work of God in us.”
His Excellency Bishop concluded his remarks by wishing that “May this season of Lent be a time to free our spiritual life from the evil one. And may the fruits of the great spiritual struggle – sacrifice, prayer, fasting and the witness of our faith – hasten the coming of the Kingdom of God.”