KEPTOWN: Thieves have defiled an altar after a robbery at St. Mary’s Cathedral Church in the Archdiocese of Cape Town, South Africa. News of the robbery on Saturday was confirmed by Archbishop Auxiliary President Bishop Sylvester David OMI in a statement released Sunday. The thieves who destroyed Zachary stole the Blessed Thirusoti, a gold-plated casa, two gold-plated Pilasas, and silver-lined candles. The money in the vow box was also lost. The carpenters of the shrine have also been torn down.

The church leadership is concerned that the holy things, including Thiruvosti, have been tarnished rather than stolen. The cathedral keeper is the first to know about the theft. Cape Town Central Police were notified. South African media reports that there has been a loss of about $ 5400. This is the second time St. Mary’s Cathedral has suffered such atrocities. Public services in the church have been canceled since March 17 in the wake of the Corona epidemic.


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