Valentine was a saint who helped martyred Christians along with Saint Marius during the persecution of Emperor Claudian. Emperor Claudius issued a decree forbidding marriage, in conjunction with his decree banning helping Christians and increasing military power. He discouraged young people from believing that the unmarried man would be a better soldier than the married man. St. Valentine, however, challenged the decree, and secretly summoned young men and women who loved each other, and united them in the sacrament of marriage. But eventually, the emperor discovered it.

Soon the emperor ordered the saint to be arrested and brought before him. But the emperor was very attracted to the young priest. So the emperor tried to convert the saint to Roman idolatry instead of killing the saint. But Saint Valentine remained steadfast in his faith in Christ and tried to draw the emperor closer to Christ. Angered by this act, the emperor ordered the execution of the saint.

While the saint was imprisoned, the guardian guard Asterius and his blind daughter showed compassion to him. Asterius’ daughter brought food and messages to the saint every day. They developed a warm, warm friendship. By the end of his prison sentence, the saint was able to bring them both to Christ. Legend has it that the saint miraculously restored the sight of the daughter of a guardian guard.

On the night before the saint’s death, the saint sent a farewell message to the girl and signed “From Your Valentine”. It is a phrase that has survived through the ages and is still popular today. After giving many miraculous healings and sermons, he was beaten under Caesar and eventually killed. His martyrdom was on February 14, AD 273 AD.

The shrine where he was buried was famous since the fourth century. This is the first monument the pilgrims visit when they enter the holy city. Saint Valentine has become a global symbol of friendship. For example, on the anniversary of the saint’s death (St. Valentine’s Day), lovers exchange love with one another. Saint Valentine is also the mediator of the bride and groom.


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