His Excellency Bishop Dr. Alex Vadakkumthala of Kannur Diocese, while addressing the faithful gathered for the Holy Mass at Barnasserry Holy Trinity Cathedral to begin the lent season, conveyed that the season of lent should be filled with dignity and excellence. His Grace Bishop highlighted that the season of lent should be seen as an opportunity to serve the poor and the needy.
As reported by www.catholicvox.com, His Excellency Bishop Dr. Alex remarked that “Fasting, lent, prayer, should be made fruitful through good and holy deeds.”
His Grace Bishop Alex concelebrated the Holy Mass with Msgr. Clarance Paliyath, Cathedral Vicar Msgr. Antony Pious, Assistance Vicar Fr. Martin Mathew, Fr. Joseph Decruz, and Fr. Fidelis James.
Source: www.catholicvox.com