Dr. Brian Clowes, Director of Research and Training, Human Life International, United States, presented his research paper on ‘Global Anti-Life Agenda’ under the session of ‘Anti-Life Philosophy’, for “EVA- Global Symposium on Life”, at Animation Renewal Centre (ARC). Dr. Brian Clowes explained the spiritual battle between the culture of life and the culture of death and he also highlighted that secular humanism always leads to self- centeredness which is one among the cause of culture of death. He emphasized on various challenges faced by today’s world in promoting the culture of life.
Dr. Brian Clowes remarked that “Those who follow the culture of death fight only for their own rights: Abortion, gay rights, pornography and euthanasia. The Culture of Death is uncompromising because self- interest is a powerful motivator. Consistent self- centeredness eventually leads to seeing other people as objects, and hardens the heart to the point that loving others becomes impossible.” Further, he added, “There is absolutely no beauty, elegance, honesty or love in the culture of death mentality. It is self- centered, desolate and utterly barren. Where there is no love, the culture of death will always prevail and where there is love, the culture of death cannot but fail.”
Dr. Clowes concluded his presentation by reminding the people gathered that “Pro-Life is the way of life.” He also explained how the characteristics of the culture of life are related and said that “In order to understand the anti-life mentality, we must first grasp the true dimensions and characteristics of the all-encompassing struggles between Good and Evil.”