This lent as a part of our Carbon fast, let us try and reduce vehicular pollution. Cities are choking on vehicular emission. They not only cause respiratory and skin ailments for humans but also increase greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They are also the main reason for the increase in traffic congestion as well as the nuisance of noise pollution. However, this does not deter most of us from having more than one vehicle in one family.
Most of us are blessed to have our own private vehicles and are in the habit of using it even for short distances. Gone are the days of walking for miles to reach a destination. While walking in the heat or rain might be difficult and not practical for many of us with our busy schedules and city life, small conscious choices can be made on our part this Lenten season & hereafter to reduce vehicular pollution.
- Use public transport. We live in the city of local trains (which is a boon!) and have a decent public transport system, let us utilize these means to reach our work places, homes and other destinations.
- Car-pool with a colleague or friends who share the same route or destination as you.
- Bring out the old eco-friendly cycle for short distances. Even one vehicle off the road makes a difference in the traffic and pollution levels.
- Keep a stipulated amount aside for monthly petrol expenses, and if it surpasses, instead of refilling the tank, just give your vehicle a miss and travel either by public transport, walk the distance, or share a ride with someone else.
- Despite having more vehicles in one household, try your level best to not use it all at the same time – make conscious efforts to lessen your vehicular dependency. Take the initiative to start a carpool activity using your own car. Lead by example for others to emulate.
It may seem like a drop in the ocean, but let us all try and do our bit to make our planet green and sustainable.