Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered for the Holy Mass in Casa Santa Marta, highlighted the qualities that a good shepherd should have and conveyed that Jesus Christ is the best example of a good shepherd. His Holiness Pope Francis reflected on the two healing stories recounted by Mark and reminded the bishops, priests to be a good shepherd like Jesus, with more closeness and tenderness to the needy.

As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “The shepherd is anointed with oil on the day of his ordination: both priests and bishops. But the true oil – the interior oil – is the oil of closeness and tenderness. The shepherd who doesn’t know how to get close [to people] is lacking something.” Further, His Holiness added, “He may be a master in the field, but he is no shepherd. A shepherd who lacks tenderness will be rigid, beating the sheep. Closeness and tenderness are seen here. That’s how Jesus was.”

His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his remarks with a prayer for the shepherds of the Church (priests, bishops), in which he asked Lord Almighty to give them the grace to walk with the people and to be present for them with much tenderness and closeness.