The Sisters of Notre Dame (SND) are turning to journalism training: media communication, video production, social media use and big data. Sr Monika Ekowati, superior and writer who already has several publications to her name, is behind the idea of a media literacy campaign called Word2Share. Some 20 members of the order attended the first seminar in Pekalongan, Java province, from 3 to 5 August.
As reported by catholicherald, Sr Monika made her talents available to her sisters. “It is part of our ongoing training,” she explained. “Each nun is invited to use her various skills and increase her capacity as a good communicator and active producer of good news in society.” After two days of intensive training, all the participants were encouraged to produce video news focusing on the stories of some of the order’s older sisters.
Speaking at the end of the seminar, Sr Monika expressed her appreciation for the participation of the young sisters. “It is part of our ongoing training in which each nun is invited to use her skills and increase her capacity as a good communicator and active producer of good news in society.”