We, 94 members of SIGNIS India, a body of Catholic communicators representing 13 regions, gathered at Don Bosco Institute of Communication Arts, Chennai for National Assembly and Study Days from 20-23 February 2017. Inspired by the message of Pope Francis, we have reflected on the theme: ‘Communicating Hope and Trust in our Times’.
Having listened to expert media activists and aspiring media personnel, we realize that we live in a world where media has become part of our ecology and look to it to energize us with hope. During these study days, we have come across committed media activists with human and Christian values who do not make compromises in the midst of competitive, corporate and market-oriented economy. The success stories of these bold people inspire us to enter into mainstream media and thus share the message of hope and trust, without compromising Christian ethics and values.
We are aware that the mainstream media often carry fake news and paid news which are aimed at TRP ratings and profit. The space for dissent continues to be shrinking due to strident populism by false gurus, godmen, sectarian political and cultural entities. Unfortunately mainstream media often dare not challenge them. Media today no longer represents the reality, but sets an agenda which is highly opinionated and biased.
News channels today have a trend of standardization and homogenization of news, which denotes a herd mentality that kills diversity.  The voice of resistance by subaltern groups is often denied space in the mainstream media leaving a vacuum with trust deficit of media.
As mainstream media often leans toward sensational and voyeuristic reporting we are called to do meaningful journalism taking a stand for the cause of the poor and the marginalized.
We are awrae that netizen youth are more media savvy opening up new avenues for expression of dissent and recognize the power of social media as a tool for social change. We need to accept the fact that fake news is planted systematically by vested interest groups in the social media and need to exercise caution in consuming and forwarding them.
Having discussed and deliberated on these issues, we commit ourselves to the following:
As media activists we resolve to keep a critical eye on media portraying themselves as agents of caste, political, religious and anti-subaltern dominant groups instead of indulging in the pleasure they give us.
We resolve to promote media which represents the real India with the painful issues of the 80% subaltern groups. This can be done by giving space for voice of resistance by the voiceless and bringing to the media such stories of hope and inspiration to those within our own country.
We as media activists resolve to be open to critique and accordingly make changes in news and information on media and thus recalibrate a humane, understanding and mutually respecting society of the people.
We resolve to be actively responsible in working towards media credibility with commitment to human and Christian values as well as the values set by the Indian Constitution, without making compromises in the midst of a competitive, corporate and market-oriented economy.
We resolve to utilize social media as a tool for social change, hope and trust.
As we realize that children and youth are more open to change, we resolve to educate them for a responsible and ethical use of social media to disseminate stories of hope and trust.
We resolve to appreciate and encourage the success stories of the SIGNIS members and other like-minded media personnel and pledge to collaborate and support such efforts in sharing stories of hope and trust in the society today.

We SIGNIS-India members journey forward with a commitment to live the above resolutions as joyous and zealous communicators of hope, trust, peace and love.



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