Have you ever thought of leaving your car at home. No. Right? Then let me take you through such a situation. One fine day you open your cars’ door only to close it back as your heart decides not to take it with you. Now, you start walking towards the bus stop, witnessing and enjoying the blooming flowers, singing birds and green magnificent trees. Greeting the old couple and passing ball to the kids you reach the bus stop.
You board into the bus along with your neighbours and find one of your old friends in it. You have a good time while the bus is stuck in traffic, talking and laughing with your neighbours and friends. You reach office with the same enthusiasm and happiness, thus your day goes well.
When you analyse the day you will be surprised to realize that you are not only happy but also have contributed to your health and conservation of the environment. By walking towards the bus stop you had a great morning walk and by avoiding personal vehicle you reduced emission of carbon dioxide to the environment.
See what all benefits a change in lifestyle can bring. So, let’s make small changes in our routine and take a step towards life.
Written by: Jebin Jacob