“But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you shall be strengthened. And you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and to Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1: 8)
‘Who gave you the authority to preach Christ?’ Anyone who asks that is a big mistake. The Almighty, through baptism and affirmation, has entrusted each one with the mission of proclaiming God. Therefore, they have the right and obligation to work individually or in groups to ensure that all people around the world know and accept the divine secret of salvation.
This task becomes even more compelling when in some cases only people can hear the Gospel and know Christ. Their work is essential in church communities. Because without that, the missionary work of the pagans often does not get the full effect.
The word ‘almayar’ (laity) is used in the sense of all Christian believers, except those who have accepted the Church and have accepted the call. They have become a body in Christ through baptism and have been made the people of God, and have partaken in Christ’s priestly, prophetic, and royal functions in their own way.
The Almighty owes their special calling to seek the Kingdom of God by handling and arranging material things according to God’s will. They have a special duty to organize all the material things in which they are closely related, in accordance with Christ’s commandments, and so glorify the Creator and Savior.
When there is a need to seek out the social, political, and economic realities of the Christian faith, it is especially necessary to take the initiative of Christians. The laity is at the forefront of church life. They must be convinced that they are the church. That is, under the leadership of the general head of the Roman pope and the bishops who are in communion with them, they must be conscious of the community of believers on earth. They are the church.
Do we carry out our duty to proclaim Christ by handling and arranging material things according to God’s will? Do we carry out our daily activities of raising the Church of Christ to the forefront of the world? Or do we persecute the church of Christ by partnering with social media groups that celebrate the failings of some church authorities? – Let’s think. We can become witnesses of Christ in this world by working together with the church to serve the mission God has entrusted to us through baptism and the teaching of the Church.
Let us pray for the evangelization of the world. Everlasting life is to know Him, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. (John 17: 3)
We worship you, our Savior and Lord Jesus, who commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Exalt many anointed evangelists from all over the world to proclaim the name of Jesus, who is in heaven, on earth, and in hell. Empower every preacher to proclaim boldly to the world that no other name, except Jesus, has been given to salvation under heaven, for the salvation of men under the heaven.
May the Holy Spirit, who has come down in flames to the apostles, fill your gifts with every gift of the Gospel through the media. Anoint many artists and technicians to proclaim Christ’s message through visual media and artwork.
Holy Trinity, the source of all blessings, richly bless every single person and family who pray and work for the evangelization of the world.