The Kalyan Media Cell and Catholic Focus of the Eparchy of Kalyan encourage us this year to try and undertake a Carbon Fast this Lenten season. Most of us are familiar with the concept of Carbon footprint; the Carbon Fast envisages conscious efforts by each individual to reduce his/ her own Carbon footprint so as to promote a more sustainable lifestyle to contribute to a greener planet.

Pope Francis in his last Encyclical Laudato Si’ with the subtitle- “On care for our common home” talks about preserving our Mother Earth and encourages sustainable lifestyles for the greater good. The Pope exhaustively explains the teachings of the Church on caring and protecting for our environment and the planet beginning right from the duty as caretakers of God’s creation in the book of Genesis to the exemplary life of St. Francis of Assisi who lived his life with concern and care for the ecology and all creation of God. His Holiness emphasises on the recognition and need for awareness that Climate change is a modern day, global problem with grave implications. He exhorts us to abandon our consumerist lifestyles and conserve natural resources and biodiversity.

This Lenten season let us all reflect on the beautifully written encyclical Laudato Si’ and renew our commitment to preserve and protect the wonderful gift of God- our planet Earth. Let us make a conscious effort to reduce our silly, consumerist lifestyle choices, just because we have the money and resources to do so. Let us keep in mind the others who do not have the luxury of such a choice and the future generations in our day to day lifestyle choices. Every drop of water makes- up the vast oceans; what you think an insignificant action or choice will make a difference in the greater perspective of things. Have a prayerful, blessed, reduced carbon- footprint Lenten season.


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