Jakarta: A Jesuit priest known as the father of the charismatic movement in Indonesia, Fr. Sujiri SJ called for eternal death. He was ninety years old. He was a parish priest at St. Teresa’s Church in Jakarta. Fr. Sugri SJ brought Jesus to the thousands through the charismatic movement. Fr. Sugri was given the task of leading the movement.

Fr. Sugri started off. His leadership gave the movement the strength to override all opposition. Fr. Sugri was able to. The Shekinah office, established in the west of Jakarta, contributed greatly to the organization’s various activities. The office has been able to organize numerous meditation sessions, seminars, and Bible study classes. From here, those who completed the study extended charismatic spirituality to their parishes and dioceses.

The clergy who succeeded Surjee are also very supportive of the charismatic movement. The charismatic movement has gained tremendous strength in the country today. Many people, including the elderly and young people, are members. In 1976, Fr. Herbert Schieder, a clergyman, came to Jakarta and led the class. Roy and Winnie Setzadi, a Catholic couple, laid the foundation for charismatic spirituality throughout the country. It was the spiritual leadership of Fr. Surjee is appointed.


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