MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly proliferated as the world’s countries sought to reduce the birth rate in favor of abortion. He told the Russian Legislature, the Federal Assembly, that the first priority would be to have more children in the country. Much of Putin’s speech to members of the Federal Assembly last Tuesday focused on the need for increased population. He explained how the country’s past and future will determine how many children will be born in the country over the next few years and what values ​​they will choose.

Putin said some of the measures that began at the beginning of the 21st century had led to an increase in population, which is why there are now more children in schools. Population is not just a matter of issues affecting the country, but all the government’s policy initiatives must be structured in such a way as to increase population. Although some of the programs implemented years ago have had some success, only a very small percentage of people born in the nineties are trying to increase the number of family members. This has created a situation where the population is going down again.

The 2019 birth rate is 1.5%. The birth rate is higher than previous years, but it should not be satisfied. For the numbers to stabilize, the birth rate should be increased to at least 2.1%. The President of Russia reminded that only by empowering families can the country grow and succeed. Putin, a member of the Russian Orthodox Church, is a strong Christian. His adherence to Christian moral values ​​and his public denunciation of same-sex marriage attracted international attention.


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