Kottayam: The first consultation of the COVID Survival Commission under the auspices of the Kerala Catholic Bishops Committee, Justice Peace and Development Commission, was held at the Amiras Center at Adira. Kerala Social Service Forum Director Fr. George presided over the meeting.
Joint Director Fr. Michael Vettikkat, Former Director Fr. Romance Antony, Changanacherry Social Service Society Director Fr. Joseph Playing, Sister Jesina, P.J. Varkey, Joby Mathew, K.A. And Rajesh. The consultative meeting was organized to develop comprehensive action plans to tackle the widespread effects of COVID.
Following this, KSBC’s Justice Peace and Development Commission Chairman Mar Jose Pulikal, in consultation with the directors of social services sections of all Catholic dioceses in Kerala, finalized the action plan, said Fr. George Vettikkattil said.