Rome: The third-century martyr’s miracle at the Cathedral Church in the Italian city of Naples has been repeated over and over again. The miracle was repeated this past Saturday. Naples Archbishop Cardinal Crescencio Zeppe released the news of the miracle at the shrine during the Corona epidemic. This miracle happens three times a year.
Soon after the miracle, Cardinal Zeppa offered the Holy Mass at the Assumption of Mary Cathedral and a live broadcast. In his speech, the Cardinal said that Saint’s involvement has saved the city many times from plagues such as the plague and cholera, and that Saint Januarius is the true spirit of Naples. The city was blessed with the miraculous remnant of the saint after the divine sacrifice. When the miracle is performed, the red blood-red solid is dissolved and spread into a liquid-containing vessel.
Saint Januarius, bishop of the third century, is the saint of the city of Naples. The bones and blood of the saint, who was martyred during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, is now preserved in the Cathedral Church in Naples. The blood of the beheaded saint was collected by a woman named Eusebia. This miracle takes place on September 19, the eve of Holy Name, and on Saturday before the first Sunday in May and December 16. Scientists have not yet been able to explain the phenomenon of this blood-soaked blood.