Thevarakadu: Thevarkadu Thirudhriya Shrine in the Archdiocese of Verapuzha has distributed 650 kits containing 15 essential items for the fourth phase of relief work for the parishioners and other religious groups in Lockdown. Kits worth Rs. 300,000 / – have been issued. The first phase of Covid’s defense operations included the washing of hands before the temple and at the bus stop. In the second phase, masks and hand sanitizers were distributed to all families. Rs. 63,000 / – has been given to 63 families in the family units on the occasion of Easter. The relief work is being carried out with the help of Sisters and other like minds led by the trustees of the parish central committee.
Given the current situation, arrangements are being made to provide a certain number of masks to all homes. KSL, and KL, the organizers of the Isabella de Rossis Convent, Church Trustees Shajan Kanapilli and Shibu Dikruz, Central Council Leaders Josi Thannikot Sevi Manaliparambil, Block Officers, Family Unit Officers, Mask Construction and KL. Rev. Fr. Anthony Shine said.