Belonging to Naples in Italy, Tosca Ferrante in her childhood, dreamt of becoming a nurse or a teacher, but her calling brought her to the Italian State Police service. However, God had different plans for the young police officer, who later went on to join the Apostoline Sisters of the Istituto Regina degli Apostoli (Institute of the Queen of Apostles for Vocations).
She had been a devout Catholic from the age of three, who prayed the rosary daily, served as a catechist, and attended spiritual retreats in summer. An incident while being a police officer set Tosca on the journey towards monastic life after ending her six years of service in police. “The transition from the police force to religious life wasn’t extraordinary for me. It was natural: my previous contact with the people I mentioned earlier had made me understand what God wanted for me,” remarks Sr. Tosca Ferrante. She adds, “I found God in the faces and stories of the poor: I bow to them! And I thank God!”
Discovering her calling was not easy. It was her desire to serve and take care of others that was the common element throughout her life. Today, Sr. Tosca Ferrante serves as one of the four apostolic nuns at the University Church of San Frediano in Pisa.
(Image Source: Blitz Quotidiano)