The 10th National Youth Convention (NYC), organized by Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM), is scheduled to be held from 18th to 22nd January 2017, at the St Joseph’s Engineering College, Mangalore. NYC Cross, which is an integral part of the spiritual binding of the youth, has arrived to the Mangalore city, and will travel over 12 deaneries of the local host, Mangalore diocese, before it reaches to the convention ground on 18th January.
“TOUCHED BY JESUS – WALKING HIS WAY” is the central them of the ICYM for this year, with thrusts on Youth to Youth Evangelization, Youth Empowerment, Socio- Political Leadership and Media Advocacy. “We long to live in a world that is peace and in harmony, where we feel safe and secure, are loved and nurtured and can contribute to nation building as responsible citizen”. To achieve this, one has to look at the “WAY”. The statement emphasizes “Let us be touched by Jesus and Let’s Walk His Way.”
The seven days NYC is expecting thousands of youths from across the country. Like in the earlier years, this year too is going to be energetic and spiritual with lots of fun filled activities like – spending days in Diocese, staying with a family and sight-seeing, attractive cultural programs, informative and motivating sessions, colorful and grand peace rally, Eucharist, Taize prayer and Adorations. The main thrust of the convention would be, prepare the youngster to get their life touched by Jesus and to walk his holy way.