LONDON: The UK government on Wednesday, on the one hand, has taken on the brutal act of giving special permission to kill unborn babies while Corona took thousands of lives. ProLife activists have protested the move by allowing women to have their own chemicals in their homes. In a statement published on the UK government’s website, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has approved the temporary measures to prevent the spread of disease and prevent obstruction in the spread of Covid 19.
The statement also states that women and girls can abortion in their own home using two different abortion pills without going to the hospital or clinic. Doctors can prescribe these medications by sitting in their own homes, the statement said. Meanwhile, pro-life organizations have come out strongly condemning this inhumane act.
Antonio Tully, director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) Campaign, said the laws on drug use could not be changed. Other pro-life organizations have also commented that the action is dangerous and wrong-minded. It is generally believed that the sanction of special sanction for killing infants on the other hand is immense.